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New posts in git-index

Why is the git index file binary?

git binaryfiles git-index

Why does checkout sometimes stage a file?

Ignore changes to a tracked file without making it impossible to `git add` the file

git git-index

How to stage line by line in git gui although "No newline at end of file" warning

Why does the "git index" have so many names?

git git-index git-stage

How do contents of git index evolve during a merge (and what's in the index after a failed merge)?

git git-merge git-index

Git: How does git remember the index for each branch?

git git-index

Git stash removes added changes

git git-stash git-index

Getting Git-concept of "stage"

What is the difference between the working directory and the git Index?

git git-commit git-index

Where does "git update-index --assume-unchanged file" actually save this information to?

git git-index

How does `receive.denyCurrentBranch=updateInstead` interact with the Index?

Testing what is about to be committed in a pre-commit hook

Who touched my git assume-unchanged bit?

git git-index

git forces refresh index after switching between windows and linux

Why staging directory is also called Index/Git Index?

git git-index

How to undo git update-index?

git github gitignore git-index

How to recover `.git/index` locally?

git recovery git-index

What's the use of the staging area in Git?

How can you git add a new file without staging it?

git staging git-index