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Android BLE - Connecting to multiple devices at once

GATT profile and UART service

Android, How can I make BLE device to paired device (bonded)

BluetoothGatt: negotiating new MTU succeeds but new size cannot be used (3 bytes difference)

BLE gatttool cannot connect even though device is discoverable with hcitool lescan

BluetoothGattServer cancelConnection does not cancel the connection

Android How to read BLE properties Readable Writable Notifiable GATT Characteristics

BLuetooth Gatt Callback not working with new API for Lollipop

BLE GATT onCharacteristicChanged not called after subscribing to notification

Bluetooth Low Energy: Use BlueZ stack as a peripheral (with custom services and characteristics)

got error while download gattlib via pip3

How to solve the BluetoothGatt : android.os.DeadObjectException error happened in Android?

Android - Could not connect to bluetooth device on Lollipop

iOS Bluetooth dual-mode; connect BLE (GATT) to an already connected BR/EDR (A2DP/HFP) stereo headset simultaneously

Is the native Android BLE implementation synchronous in nature?

How to implement Bluetooth LE with Bluez in Linux

Smart Bluetooth: GATT Vs. ATT - what are the differences between them?

BlueZ: How to set up a GATT server from the command line

startLeScan with 128 bit UUIDs doesn't work on native Android BLE implementation

Android Bluetooth Low Energy Pairing