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New posts in android-4.3-jelly-bean

NotificationListenerService get Notification Icon?

How to catch this exception in Android webview?

How to set key size for KeyPairGeneratorSpec on API 18?

Video capture in Android 4.3 using Camera app intent

Can I detect that a particular permission has been removed for my android app?

Bug with Android 4.3 ImageView method getImageMatrix()

onServicesDiscovered status is 129 and connect unstable for BLE in Android

How to manage restricted profiles in android app?

Android KeyStore reset when lock screen is set to "none"

Hide/change the application screen picture from Recent Apps Android 4.x

WebView difference in android 4.3 to 4.4 [closed]

Why are the API demos considered as "legacy", as of API 18?

How to use the profile of PROXIMITY PROFILE,IMMEDIATE ALERT SERVICE and Find Me Profile in android 4.3 BLE?

Persistent notification of running app on Android 4.3

Cannot read characteristic. Android BLE

Android 4.3 KeyStore - chain == null while trying to retrieve keys

Android 4.3 On-screen GPU profiling - long gfx waiting time