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changing bluetooth low energy gatt timeout or flushing read stream to detect disconnect event quicker

Bluetooth GATT disconnect onConnectionStateChange not called

Cycling speed and cadence sensor's BLE Gatt characteristic data parsing and operation

c# bluetooth-lowenergy gatt

Linux BlueZ dbus communication

linux dbus bluez gatt

Android Bluetooth not discovering the characteristic after changing UUID

Status is GATT_FAILURE in onConnectionStateChange after many reconnections

Advertise Bluetooth LE Service using HCITool

Maximum no. of BLE Connection using BlueZ

I want to identify the BLE wheel and crank sensor data from the 11-bytes data from a mobile application we have developed

BlueZ 5.30: D-Bus GATT API - Simply Discover and Connect to a BLE device in C

How to decode a Bluetooth LE Package / Frame / Beacon of a FreeTec PX-1737-919 Bluetooth 4.0 Temperature Sensor?

Android BLE BluetoothGatt object remains connected and triggers onCharacteristicChanged() even after a call to disconnect()

BLE with Android 5.0 : How to get a device to act as Central AND Server?

BLE subscribe to notification using gatttool or bluepy

Bluetooth Low Energy in C - using Bluez to create a GATT server

Schemes for streaming data with BLE GATT characteristics

bluetooth-lowenergy gatt