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New posts in function-pointers

function pointer without typedef

What is the merit of the "function" type (not "pointer to function")

c++ c function-pointers

Is it a bad idea to create a generic "function pointer" union in C?

Can std::function be used to store a function with variadic arguments [duplicate]

Representing NULL Function Pointers to C Functions in Swift

Why must I use address-of operator to get a pointer to a member function?

C++ function pointer argument with template

How do I create a noexcept function pointer?

Specialize template with function pointer, that depends on template parameter

Why do compilers behave differently when static_cast(ing) a function to void*?

static constexpr pointer-to-function, difference between compilers

How do I get the name of the method a method pointer points to?

C++ Function pointers with unknown number of arguments

c++ function-pointers

Templates, Function Pointers and C++0x

C++: pass function with arbitrary number of parameters as a parameter

Why have a "warning" when initializing an array of function pointers?

How to hash and compare a pointer-to-member-function?

Emulating delegates with free generic type parameters in C#

How can a parameter have type but no name?

In python, when you pass internally defined functions into other functions, how does it keep the variables?