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New posts in forward-declaration

Returning a reference to a forward-declared type (C++)

forward declaration in typescript

C - forward declaration of enums?

Declare a member-function of a forward-declared class as friend

invalid use of incomplete type / forward declaration

Xcode ios Unknown type name?

Terminology: Forward Declaration versus Function Prototype

Forward Declaration of variables/classes in std namespace

Does my Return Type Need to be Defined?

"Attempting to use the forward class 'Game' as superclass of 'MathGame'" in Cocos2d

Variadic template only compiles when forward declared

Forward declaration of nested enum

Is there a way to forward declare covariance?

How to forward declare a member function of a class to use in another class?

c++ forward-declaration

Forward declare FILE *

Header files inclusion / Forward declaration

Why is this a forward declaration in C++?

Unknown type name class

c++ forward-declaration

Objective C - Error: 'Expected a type'

Refactoring C++ code to use forward declarations