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New posts in fluent-interface

Fluent interface design and code smell

c# oop fluent-interface

Fluent Interfaces - the number of objects being created

Question regarding fluent interface in C#

c# fluent-interface

Is it possible to set a breakpoint in a method chain in VS, and if so how?

create fluent interface for adding elements to a list

c# .net fluent-interface

How to debug fluent APIs?

Fluent Interface and class complexity

Code-First Reference one-to-many

Using generic constraints with value types

Entity Framework - Code First Fluent API: ErrorMessage?

How to implement fluent api in ASP.NET MVC?

Fluent Interfaces - Ensuring a new instance

EF Code First: Multiplicity constraint violation

Fluent Interface to Build a Directed Cyclic Graph?

How to create a Fluent Interface with Generics

How to use "JSR-353: Java API for JSON Processing," without Method Chaining

What conventions/idioms/patterns are you using configuring IOC Containers using the new Fluent Interfaces

EF Code First 4.1 - How to configure one to many relationship with default

Shortcut in Fluent API to set multiple properties as required

Castle Windsor Fluent Registration - What does Pick() do?