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New posts in floating-point

Difference in accuracy with floating point division vs multiplication

Fast float to int conversion (truncate)

pow() cast to integer, unexpected result

c casting floating-point pow tcc

Rounding Floating Point Numbers after addition (guard, sticky, and round bits)

floating-point ieee-754

Assigning floating value to a double value

java floating-point double

Get chrono seconds in float

How to convert a uint64_t to a double/float between 0 and 1 with maximum accuracy (C++)?

c++ floating-point 64-bit

What is the purpose of floating point index in Pandas?

Scope of MXCSR control register?

Explain why the hidden bit of floating point format does not need to be represented


TypeError: range() integer end argument expected, got float?

python floating-point

How is floor division not giving result according to the documented rule?

When does appending an 'f' change the value of a floating constant when assigned to a `float`?

c floating-point

How can I add floats together in different orders, and always get the same total?

Why does the IEEE 754 standard use a 127 bias?


Why floating calculation and casting shows different result in debug and release configuration?

Looking for a half float or quarter float library [closed]

c++ c assembly floating-point


java floating-point

Python floating-point precision format specifier

Printing floating point numbers from x86-64 seems to require %rbp to be saved