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New posts in floating-point

What is the difference between -0 and 0?

c++ floating-point

C# Generics : how to use x.MaxValue / x.MinValue (int, float, double) in a generic class

Ruby float with double 0

Sort Multi-dimensional array by decimal values

Get nth digits of Integer in Swift? [duplicate]

Understanding Float>>asFraction and its variants

Extract floating point numbers from a string in PHP

Value of real type incorrectly compares

MySQL "greater than" condition sometimes returns row with equal value

How to convert bytes to a float value in swift?

Why can't I multiply a float? [duplicate]

32-bit versus 64-bit floating-point performance

-= 0.1 strange result [duplicate]

javascript floating-point

How to calculate a^(1/n)?

Why does AWK refuse to sum up floats

bash awk floating-point

Fastest min max among three floats in C

c floating-point max min

Maximum float value in php

php floating-point

How to implement division with round-towards-infinity in Python

tan 45 gives me 0.9999

Input number validation - Restrict to enter only numbers or digits, int & float both