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How to implement division with round-towards-infinity in Python

I want 3/2 to equal 2 not 1.5

I know there's a mathematical term for that operation(not called rounding up), but I can't recall it right now. Anyway, how do i do that without having to do two functions?

ex of what I do NOT want:

answer = 3/2 then math.ceil(answer)=2 (why does math.ceil(3/2)=1?)  

ex of what I DO want:

 "function"(3/2) = 2
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Kbob Avatar asked Aug 24 '11 20:08


1 Answers

To give a short answer...

Python only offers native operators for two types of division: "true" division, and "round down" division. So what you want isn't available as a single function. However, it is possible to easily implement a number of different types of division-with-rounding using some short expressions.

Per the title's request: given strictly integer inputs, "round up" division can be implemented using (a+(-a%b))//b, and "round away from zero" division can be implemented using the more complex a//b if a*b<0 else (a+(-a%b))//b. One of those is probably what you want. As to why...

To give a longer answer...

First, let me answer the subquestion about why 3/2==1 and math.ceil(3/2)==1.0, by way of explaining how the Python division operator works. There are two main issues at play...

float vs int division: Under Python 2, division behaves differently depending on the type of the inputs. If both a and b are integers, a/b performs "round down" or "floor integer" division (eg 3/2==1, but -3/2==-2). This is equivalent to int(math.floor(float(a)/b)) .

But if at least one of a and b are floats, Python performs "true" division, and gives you a float result (eg 3.0/2==1.5, and -3.0/2==-1.5). This is why you'll sometimes see the construction float(a)/b: it's being used to force true division even both inputs are integers (eg float(3)/2==1.5). This is why your example math.ceil(3/2) returns 1.0, whereas math.ceil(float(3)/2) returns 2.0. The result has already been rounded down before it even reaches math.ceil().

"true division" by default: In 2001, it was decided (PEP 238) that Python's division operator should be changed so that it always performs "true" division, regardless of whether the inputs are floats or integers (eg, this would make 3/2==1.5). In order to not break existing scripts, the change in default behavior was deferred until Python 3.0; in order to get this behavior under Python 2.x, you have to enable it per-file by adding from __future__ import division to the top of the file. Otherwise the old type-dependant behavior is used.

But "round down" division is still frequently needed, so the PEP didn't do way with it entirely. Instead, it introduced a new division operator: a//b, which always performs round down division, even if the inputs include floats. This can be used without doing anything special under both Python 2.2+ and 3.x.

That out of that way, division-with-rounding:

In order to simplify things, the following expressions all use the a//b operator when working on integers, since it will behave the same under all python versions. As well, I'm making an assumption that 0<=a%b<b if b is positive, and b<=a%b<=0 if b is negative. This is how Python behaves, but other languages may have slightly different modulus operators.

The four basic types of integer division with rounding:

  • "round down" aka "floor integer" aka "round to minus infinity" divsion: python offers this natively via a//b.

  • "round up" aka "ceiling integer" aka "round to positive infinity" division: this can be achieved via int(math.ceil(float(a)/b)) or (a+(-a%b))//b. The latter equation works because -a%b is 0 if a is a multiple of b, and is otherwise the amount we need to add to a to get to the next highest multiple.

  • "round towards zero" aka "truncated" division - this can be achieved via int(float(a)/b). Doing this without using floating point is trickier... since Python only offers round-down integer division, and the % operator has a similar round-down bias, we don't have any non-floating-point operators which round symmetrically about 0. So the only way I can think of is to construct a piecewise expression out of round-down and round-up: a//b if a*b>0 else (a+(-a%b))//b.

  • "round away from zero" aka "round to (either) infinity" division - unfortunately, this is even trickier than round-towards-zero. We can't leverage the truncating behavior of the int operator anymore, so I can't think of a simple expression even when including floating-point ops. So I have to go with the inverse of the round-to-zero expression, and use a//b if a*b<0 else (a+(-a%b))//b.

Note that if you're only using positive integers, (a+b-1)//b provides round up / away from zero even more efficiently than any of the above solutions, but falls apart for negatives.

Hope that helps... and happy to make edits if anyone can suggest better equations for round to/away from zero. I find the ones I have particularly unsatisfactory.

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Eli Collins Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Eli Collins