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New posts in floating-point

ULPs calculation in Goldberg paper


Does PHP actually use IEEE-754 floating point numbers?

php floating-point ieee-754

Sort scientific and float

django float or decimal are rounded unintentionally when saving

Matlab sin(pi) and its relation to machine epsilon

Typecasting std::complex<double> to __complex128

Trapping floating-point overflow in C

Can the floating-point status flag FE_UNDERFLOW set when the result is not sub-normal?

c floating-point ieee-754

Confusion over REST Assured floating-point comparisons

Generate "fuzzy" difference of two files in Python, with approximate comparison of floats

Python: a could be rounded to b in the general case

A reference for AT&T syntax assembly floating point arithmetic

assembly floating-point x86

arm cortex a9 cross compiling strange floating point behaviour

How to determine the minimal noticable change of a double


Is there a standard C way to print floating-point values "perfectly" a la Dragon4?

x86 80-bit floating point type in Java

Valid way to check that a double has been assigned a value of 0.0

c++ floating-point double

Emulate floating point string conversion behaviour of Linux on Windows

Real life example fo Floating Point error


volatile and double confusion