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New posts in floating-point

Any risk of using float variables as loop counters and their fractional increment/decrement for non "==" conditions?

Why should I use ints instead of floats?

What is the instruction that gives branchless FP min and max on x86?

How can I get/set individual bits in a float?

java floating-point

math.h ceil not working as expected in C

Float to binary

sin, cos, tan and rounding error

Why is there a difference between the same value stored as a float and a double in Java?

Parsing float is rounding the value incorrectly in Java [duplicate]

Cleanest way to convert a `Double` or `Single` to `Integer`, without rounding

PHP: format any float as a decimal expansion

IEEE 754: sqrtf() with fesetround(): different results between compilers: 0x42440a72 vs. 0x42440a73

lcc printf floating point

c floating-point windows-xp

double to unsigned int / char

c++ floating-point unsigned

Engineering notation with Haskell

Most accurate way to compute asinhf() from log1pf()?

32-bit floating point math in 64-bit Python [duplicate]

Keeping sync in multiplayer RTS game that uses floating point arithmetic

Generate large number of unique random float32 numbers