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How to determine the minimal noticable change of a double

I have the problem to determine the smallest value eps for a given double variable v such that

v+eps != v

Note that this is not the typical problem sheet task since eps depends on the arbitrary number v.

This should not be done by seeking this value in a for loop. Is there a fast way to do this, e.g. by bit shifting? Independent of the compiler, optimization flags, platform...

Thanks for your answers

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choosyg Avatar asked Oct 10 '13 09:10


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2 Answers

The C99 function nextafter is what you need. Alternatively, use Boost.Math's nextafter. This is implementation defined by definition (it relies on the internal representation of double in memory).

For a comparison of all methods presented in the answers here at the time of writing, see a live demo to see how the other solutions fail.

For reference, here is the test code if you want to run it on our own system:

#include <cmath>
#include <cfloat>
#include <limits>
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
#include <iomanip>
using std::setprecision;

#include <boost/math/special_functions/next.hpp>

epsFor( double x )
    double d;
    unsigned long long i;
  } tmp;
  tmp.d = x;
  ++ tmp.i;
  return tmp.d - x;

void test(double d)
  double d1 = std::nextafter(d,DBL_MAX);
  double d2 = d+std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() * d;
  double d3 = d+epsFor(d);
  double d4 = boost::math::nextafter(d, DBL_MAX);
  cout << setprecision(40)
       << "For value of d = " << d << '\n'
       << " std::nextafter: " << d1 << '\n'
       << " Boost solution: " << d4 << '\n'
       << " undefined beh.: " << d3 << '\n'
       << " numeric_limits: " << d2 << '\n';

int main()
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rubenvb Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09


I'd use type punning:

epsFor( double x )
        double d;
        unsigned long long i;
    } tmp;
    tmp.d = x;
    ++ tmp.i;
    double results = tmp.d - x;
    return results;

(Formally, this is undefined behavior, but in practice, I don't know of a modern compiler where it will fail.)


Note that C++ allows excessive precision in intermediate expressions; since we're concerned here with exact results, the originally posted function could give wrong results if you used it directly in an expression, rather than assigning it to a double. I've added an assignment in the function to avoid this, but be aware that a lot of compilers are not standard conform in this regard, at least by default. (g++ is a good example of one where you need a special option to have conformant behavior, at least when optimization is turned on. If you're using g++, you must specify the -ffloat-store option if you want correct results.)

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James Kanze Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

James Kanze