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New posts in floating-point

Are there any winforms spinner like controls for adjusting floating point values?

Break on NaNs or infs

Sum diff problem/bug in XSLT 1.0

xslt floating-point

Convert float to bigint (aka portable way to get binary exponent & mantissa)

unable to convert contents in argv[] into float[][] in C

c floating-point argv atof

can I compare two fractions if both have denominator with power of 2

c++ floating-point

PHP Math: Why is mod (%) not working with fac(13)?

php math floating-point

DWORD casting to float after a simple swap?

Properly (independent of 32bit/64bit) saving a float to binary ofstream

How do I get a eval statement to run the numbers as floats

Advantages and disadvantages of floating point and fixed point representations [closed]

PHP zero float returning true

php floating-point boolean

printing the integral part of a floating point number

CString.Format with variable float precision

c++ string mfc floating-point

What would be an efficient way to select float in a finite sized array that is more close to zero?

c++ math floating-point

Round floating value to .1 (tens place) [duplicate]

How does Lua's floating-point handling differ from other languages?

C Floating point zero comparison

c floating-point double zero

Is it possible to pad leading zeros with a space instead of a zero in C?

c floating-point zero-pad

Raising a float to a certain power in Java

java floating-point