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New posts in floating-point-precision

Why float variable saves value by cutting digits after point in a weird way?

C++ How to avoid floating-point arithmetic error [duplicate]

C++ handling of excess precision

C++ sqrt function precision for full squares

Handle decimal numbers in mysqli

Increasing floating point precision in Python [duplicate]

Difference between /fp:strict and /fp:precise?

What is the purpose of max_digits10 and how is it different from digits10?

What could cause floating point numbers to suddenly be off by 1 bit without arithmetic changes

Using Numpy in different platforms

Is it possible to use extended precision (80-bit) floating point arithmetic in GHC/Haskell?

Why does MySQL round floats way more than expected?

Precision, why do Matlab and Python numpy give so different outputs?

How to specify floating point decimal precision from variable?

next higher/lower IEEE double precision number

Why does for loop using a double fail to terminate

Why does 0.06 + 0.01 = 0.07 in ColdFusion?

Correct use of std::cout.precision() - not printing trailing zeros

How to avoid floating point errors? [duplicate]

Can I specify a numpy dtype when generating random values?