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New posts in fixtures

Behat and Symfony data fixtures

Loading a fixture before a south migration run

Setting up parameter as array in Nelmio Alice fixture generator

php symfony fixtures

Can you selectively load fixtures in symfony2

symfony fixtures

PHPUnit: Multiple datasets on database testing

Fixtures with Paperclip

Integrity error when loading fixtures for Selenium testing in Django

model.save() not called when loading Django fixtures?

How to execute a doctrine query inside a DataFixture class?

Fixtures in Play! 2 for Scala

Problem loading Django fixture: IntegrityError: (1062, "Duplicate entry '4' for key 'user_id'")

How do I write a jasmine test for a method that contains a global variable from another class/file?

Rails has_and_belongs_to_many is confusing me with fixtures and factories

How can I load HABTM-with-foreign-key relationships in my fixtures?

How to get doctrine fixture references by type of fixture in test in symfony WebTestCase?

How can I use a parametrized dependent fixture twice in pytest?

python pytest fixtures

How to use pytest fixture outside test run?

Isolating pytest tests from each other