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New posts in django-fixtures

How to fix a load fixture error

Error in django unittest while loading a fixture

Django - testing using large tables of static data

Are django fixtures a reliable database backup?

Automatically Load Django Fixture

How to load Django fixtures from all apps?

What is the best way to continuously export information from a Scrapy crawler to a Django application database? [duplicate]

Fixtures in Django testing with South / Selenium

django : loading fixtures with natural foreignkey fails with 'ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10'

Django loaddata with Natural Keys not querying correct Foreign Key

Do Django Fixtures load in incorrect order when testing?

Django, generic relations, make fixtures

Django testing and ContentType generic relatations fixtures

model.save() not called when loading Django fixtures?

How to create per-project initial_data fixtures in Django 1.7+

Django manage.py test cannot load fixture properly

Migrating django admin auth.groups and users to a new database using fixtures

Django Test Complaining about Fixture