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New posts in fixtures

Can I parameterize a pytest fixture with other fixtures?

python pytest fixtures

pytest: how to use a mark to inject a fixture?

python hook pytest fixtures

In Rails fixtures, who is Quentin?

ruby-on-rails fixtures

Django 1.4 says "No database fixture specified. Please provide the path of at least one fixture in the command line."

Change a way fixtures are called in pytest

python pytest fixtures

Sharing unit testing fixtures

How do I test a file upload in rails for integration testing?

Laravel DB Seeds - Test Data v Sample Data

JUnit Best Practice: Different Fixtures for each @Test

junit fixtures

Reuse pytest fixtures

pytest fixture - get value and avoid error "Fixture 'X' called directly"

python pytest fixtures

Import DateTime using Nemo/Alice bundle

symfony datetime yaml fixtures

Is it a bad practice to randomly-generate test data?

ruby testing rspec fixtures

Django, generic relations, make fixtures

How to find changes in a table relative to an initial SQL fixture?

How to specify a polymorphic association in a fixture

How to Use Behat with Liip\FunctionalTestBundle in Symfony2?

Pytest - Calling a fixture from another fixture

python pytest fixtures