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How do I test a file upload in rails for integration testing?

I do some integration testing like this :

 def user.excel_import
          fixture_excel = fixture_file_upload('goodsins.xls', 'text/xls')
          post excel_import_goods_ins_goods_ins_path, :dump=> {:excel_file=>fixture_excel}, :html => { :multipart => "true" }
          assert_response :redirect
          assert_redirected_to goods_ins_path

But when I run the testing it is said that : goodsins.xls file does not exist. FYI : I put the file in the folder that named fixtures.

Any idea? Thx u very much

like image 236
Michelle Avatar asked Jun 11 '12 10:06


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1 Answers

The notes here: http://apidock.com/rails/ActionController/TestProcess/fixture_file_upload indicate that you need to include a slash before the path or file name.

try fixture_file_upload('/goodsins.xls', 'text/xls') and see if that helps.

fixture_file_upload Source:

# File actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb, line 523
def fixture_file_upload(path, mime_type = nil, binary = false)
  if ActionController::TestCase.respond_to?(:fixture_path)
    fixture_path = ActionController::TestCase.send(:fixture_path)

    mime_type, binary)

Update from Question Owner:


add include ActionDispatch::TestProcess to test_helper.rb

like image 107
Matenia Rossides Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09

Matenia Rossides