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New posts in fixtures

Yii2 + Codeception: How to use fixtures?

Type error trying to load fixtures with Content_type natural keys in Django

python django fixtures

No fixtures found when testing an app on Django

Symfony2 export db to doctrine fixtures

doctrine symfony fixtures

How to create a Model object in Yii PHPUnit test without a fixture?

php object yii phpunit fixtures

Is there a way to generate Rails fixtures from an existing set of models?

Rails, fixtures and default_scope

py.test mixing fixtures and asyncio coroutines

pytest parameterized test with custom id function

Cause test failure from pytest autouse fixture

Rails fixtures and namespace model - ActiveRecord::Fixture::FixtureError

Ruby on Rails: Accessing production database data for testing

Is it possible to get the current test in setUp fixture?

php phpunit fixtures

How to Include associations from json files with sequelize-fixtures?

How to run server as fixture for py.test

python bottle pytest fixtures

Load fixtures one time before all phpunit test on symfony 3

How to handle doctrine2 data fixtures (flat file)

Fixtures not loaded during testing

Impossible to load fixtures in Symfony2 "Could not find any fixtures to load"

How do I set up my fixtures for a has_and_belongs_to_many relation?