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New posts in file-format

Is PNG the most economically sound file format to store pictures in?

png jpeg file-format image

Git pack file entry format

git file-format

PHPExcel File format or extension is not valid

phpexcel file-format xlsx

Formats for Saving Vector-based 3D Graphics

Standard defining json file extensions?

Hadoop ORC file - How it works - How to fetch metadata

hadoop hive file-format orc

How determine application subsystem from executable file

c# executable file-format

How to fix flutter corrupted files?

How to create basic Adobe Illustrator files programmatically?

Changing endianness in PHP

php file-format endianness

What is the PEI format?

Should booleans in an XML file format be written as true/false or 1/0?

Simple wireframe format?

What kind of files are valid Xcode behavior scripts?

Reading PSV (pipe-separated) file or string

r csv file-io pipe file-format

Is the 2nd and 3rd byte of a JPEG image always the APP0 or APP1 marker?

jpeg exif file-format

.vce equivalent open format?


Starting point for learning CAD/CAE file formats?

Why do file formats have magic numbers?


How can my Perl script determine whether an Excel file is in XLS or XLSX format?

perl excel zip file-format