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What's the main difference between B-Rep and Mesh index represation

CAD/CAM without C++ [closed]

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Graphics GDI+ / Direct2D and world size

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Question about BSpline

Best tool to generate STL (3-D geometry file) algorithmically? [closed]

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DXF File - Won't Open in Autodesk Viewer

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Calculate the normal for the 'facet normal' in STL file format

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Are there some open source CAD libraries in Java?

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Setting default units in svg (Python svgwrite)

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Starting point for learning CAD/CAE file formats?

Converting a graph to a 2D diagram

Could not load file or assembly 'CopyModules.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found

How can I learn CAD/CAM/CNC programming? [closed]

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Rendering highly granular and "zoomed out" data

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How to add a git repository as a shared dependency of another git repository?

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Drawing 3D lines in WPF

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Clojure: how to architect desktop UI

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What was Blender created in?

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How do I use splines in pythonOCC?

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Open source cad drawing (dwg) library in C# [closed]

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