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How to implement the RVExtension function for an ArmA 3 DLL in Rust?

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Correctly storing a Rust Rc<T> in C-managed memory

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Difference between ccall and capi FFI calling conventions

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Can Haskell's inline-C return a typedef to a function pointer?

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C++ character encoding when converting from string to const char* for Ruby FFI interface

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Assign an array to *mut c_void

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Why do EnumPrintersA and EnumPrintersW request the same amount of memory?

How to call a Nim function from Rust through C-FFI?

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Call prolog predicate from python

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How can I convert a Vec<T> into a C-friendly *mut T?

rust ffi

Is it necessary to use IO when importing a foreign function that allocates?

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How to make library installed from OPAM available to OCaml?

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What is the right way to allocate data to pass to an FFI call?

rust ffi

Is it possible to use a C++ library from Rust when the library uses templates (generics)?

c++ templates rust ffi

How to write reasonml binding for a union type

Haskell undefined reference when calling some win32 api functions

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How can I index C arrays in Rust?

arrays rust ffi

Rust FFI passing trait object as context to call callbacks on

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ghc 7.4.1 not producing stub.o files

Getting at C binary data from OCaml

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