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Implementing offsetof() for structures in Python ctypes

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How do I convert a lua string to a C char*?

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GHC RTS runtime errors when using hs_init with profiling of shared cabal library

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Haskell LLVM binding Ambiguous Type

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How can I make data that is allocated manually be garbage-collected in Haskell?

Writing Java code that compiles using one of two implementations of a class

How to safely translate tree data structures between C++ / Ocaml?

Calling into Haskell from multiple C/C++ threads

c++ multithreading haskell ffi

Can OCaml be used as a scripting language for C++?

c++ scripting ocaml ffi

importing c++ data types to haskell with ffi

c++ haskell types ffi

GHC/FFI: calling haskell module which imports haskell libraries from C

c haskell import ffi

How long should I expect a garbage collection to take before removing an opaque FFI object? Is it possible to speed it up some way?

How to poke a Vector (or to get a Ptr Vector to it's data)?

haskell ffi

Storable instance of Maybe

haskell ffi

Nativeint Bigarray seems to be unsigned

c arrays int ocaml ffi

How do I declare a static variable as a reference to a hard-coded memory address?

rust embedded ffi

Vector (Vector Foo) -> (Ptr (Ptr Foo) -> IO a) -> IO a?

haskell vector ffi

Need an example of Ypsilon usage

c++ scheme bytecode ffi

CPP: Macros in Haskell

haskell ffi