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New posts in factory-bot

in factorygirl, any way to refer to the value of field1 when initializing field2?

ruby-on-rails factory-bot

How to include a module in a factory_girl factory?

How to get a random number in FactoryGirl?

rspec factory-bot

How to handle foreign key in FactoryGirl

FactoryGirl: Factory not registered: user (ArgumentError)

ruby cucumber factory-bot

How can I create unique strings (with no numbers) with factory girl?

factory girl passing arguments to model definition on build/create

FactoryGirl: why does attributes_for omit some attributes?

Zeus + FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods. undefined method `create'

How can I add my seed data to my test database using rake db:seed?

Setup Factory Girl with Test::Unit and Shoulda

NameError: uninitialized constant Factory

Where do I confirm user created with FactoryGirl?

What are factory_girl transient attributes? Why would I use one?

Factory_Girl + RSpec: undefined method 'create' when create(:user)

How to mock and stub active record before_create callback with factory_girl

rspec test passes in isolation, but fails when run with other tests

Factory Girl failing Rspec validation tests

Login Failure when Testing with Capybara, Rspec and Selenium in Rails 3.1

Factory Girl: How to associate a record to another record without creating a new record?