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New posts in devise-confirmable

Devise - Skipping user confirmation in Development

Rails: Devise: Sending an email after user comfirms registration

How to send two different emails for devise confirmable and devise reconfirmable?

Rails: Devise: How can I edit user information?

How do I add instance variables to Devise email templates?

Getting Devise AJAX sign in working with confirmable

Customize devise confirmation email

Skip email confirmation when creating a new user using Devise

Add dynamic value in devise email subject

Devise - how to get user when redirecting with a custom Devise::FailureApp

Remove password confirmation; devise

Allow unconfirmed users to access certain pages which require authentication

Why won't Devise allow unconfirmed users to login even when allow_unconfirmed_access_for is set?

Automatically sign in after confirm with devise

Where do I confirm user created with FactoryGirl?

Devise with Confirmable - Redirect user to a custom page when users tries to sign in with an unconfirmed email

Disable Devise confirmable mails

Avoid sign-in after confirmation link click using devise gem?

Devise "Confirmation token is invalid" when user signs up