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Automatically sign in after confirm with devise

I am using devise confirmable. I have some custom things that i need to override from devise's confirm! method, so in my user model i have the following method that overrides it:

def confirm!
  gb = Gibbon::API.new(ENV['MAILCHIMP_API_KEY'])
  gb.lists.subscribe({:id => ENV['MAILCHIMP_ID'], :email => {:email => self.email }})

This works perfectly. Now I am trying to have it so the user is automatically signed in after confirming, but cannot figure out how. I know that this is considered a security flaw, but I have weighed the risks and it is worth it for user experience in my site. I do not want to do anything with the routes file because this method is already working, so i should be able to do it from here. I have tried putting the following into my configuration file:

config.allow_insecure_sign_in_after_confirmation = true

but it does not sign the user in.

I've looked at the stack overflow page at Avoid sign-in after confirmation link click using devise gem? and it does not help so please don't mark this as a duplicate.

Thanks everyone.

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Philip7899 Avatar asked Aug 11 '14 21:08


People also ask

What is devise authentication?

Devise is a well known solution for authentication in Rails applications. It's full featured (it not only adds authentication but also password recovery, email changing, session timeout, locking, ip tracking, etc.) and can be expanded to add even more (like JWT authentication).

How do you get a password in devise?

Devise initially stores the original password by encrypting it. The encrypted_password (field name in your model) gets stored in the database. Now, when you call User. find_by :email => "[email protected]" the password field is non existing.

2 Answers

You would change routes.rb and controllers/users/confirmations_controller.rb (maybe default path)

routes.rb to mapping users/confrimations_controller

devise_for :users, controllers: {confirmations: 'users/confirmations'}

confirmations_controller to automatically sign in and redirect to

def after_confirmation_path_for(resource_name, resource)
  any_path # redirect_to is not necessary
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ogelacinyc Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 08:10


Generate the controller:

rails generate devise:controllers users -c=confirmations

Amend routes:

devise_for :users, controllers: {confirmations: 'users/confirmations'}

Then overwrite the show method:

  # app/controllers/users/confirmations_controller.rb
  def show
    super do
      sign_in(resource) if resource.errors.empty?

  def after_confirmation_path_for(resource_name, resource)
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maricavor Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 08:10
