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New posts in extension-methods

Use Linq and lambda to flatten a list

Should I bother throwing an exception from this method?

What is so great about extension methods? [duplicate]

Use system namespaces for class libraries: good or bad

What is the best way to attach static methods to classes rather than to instances of a class?

Custom HtmlHelper extension method not available in View?

Using Extensions: Weighing The Pros vs Cons

c# extension-methods

How to specify generic method type parameters partly

Single extension method on IDictionary<K, IEnumerable/IList/ICollection<V>>

Why does HasFlag extension method on Enum trump Enum.HasFlag?

c# enums extension-methods

FormatProvider vs. extension method vs. new class

Can I override ToString() for classes in a public API?

Extending Selenium: How to call commands?

How to write a Map-Method for ParallelQuery without defeating its purpose?

Better way to define static method

Why does foreach fail to find my GetEnumerator extension method?