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What variable name do you use for file descriptors?

Why Can A C# Class Inherit From One Interface Both Implicitly and Explicitly?

Explicitly disabling UIView animation in iOS4+

ios animation explicit

Explicit cast operator fails with "assembly is not referenced" error

c# casting explicit

Best (safest) way to convert from double to int

Explicit copy constructor

Why do we still need a .lib stub file when we've got the actual .dll implementation?

dll linker implicit explicit

What changes to C++ made copy initialization work for class with explicit constructor?

Incorrectly aligned or overlapped by a non-object field error

Virtual explicit conversion operator overriding

Why can't I use interface with explicit operator? [duplicate]

Does "explicit" keyword have any effect on a default constructor? [duplicate]

Explicit keyword on multi-arg constructor?

Why is explicit allowed for default constructors and constructors with 2 or more (non-default) parameters?

Why can't I call methods within a class that explicitly implements an interface?

c# interface explicit

C++ always use explicit constructor [closed]

Purpose of Explicit Default Constructors

Can you use keyword explicit to prevent automatic conversion of method parameters?

explicit and implicit c#

Can a cast operator be explicit?