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Is foldRight equivalent to foldLeft given a noncommutative associative operation?

scala fold equivalent

.NET code execution at normal process exit?

.net equivalent atexit

PHP developer looking for solutions equivalent to Java EE architecture

What is the jQuery equivalent of the Prototype function .activate()

PHP equivalent of send and getattr?

Is there an equivalent C# syntax for C's inline anonymous struct definition?

c# c struct equivalent

String.Format (.NET) equivalent in Java?

Working equivalent for method .some() in javascript or jquery?

javascript equivalent

jQuery equivalents to ExtJS functions extend(), apply() and namespace()?

Data structures equivalents of STL containers

What is the jQuery equivalent to document.forms[0].elements[i].value;?

Response.End in PHP

php equivalent

What is the equivalent syntax in C#, if any? [duplicate]

c# vb6 syntax equivalent

Equivalent of Python's list sort with key / Schwartzian transform

python c++ sorting equivalent

Python equivalent of IDL's stop and .reset

What is the C# equivalent of CType in VB.NET?

MySQL DB selects records with and without umlauts. e.g: '.. where something = FÖÖ'

equivalent CreateGraphics in wpf

c# wpf graphics equivalent

What is the C++ equivalent of python collections.Counter?

Proving equivalence of sequence definitions from Applicative and Monad