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New posts in envdte

Finding a ProjectItem by type name via DTE

Getting the current EnvDTE or IServiceProvider when NOT coding an Addin

Get all methods that are decorated with a specific attribute using T4/EnvDTE

c# t4 envdte

How can I get nuget (powershell) to insert <DependentUpon> elements in the target csproj file

How to get notification when a successful build has finished?

Get the reference of the DTE2 object in Visual C# 2010

How to find a ProjectItem by the file name

c# .net visual-studio envdte

Add-In events are never executed

Capture window close event

Programmatically reset VisualStudio shortcuts

c# visual-studio envdte

How to use DTE in PowerShell?

.net powershell envdte

Setting the OutputPath property of a project via Visual Studio Automation

How do I detect a breakpoint being deleted in Visual Studio?

c# vsx envdte vspackage

How to put breakpoint in every function of .cpp file?

Add an Item to the visual studio folder right-click menu within AddIn

Can't execute statement with VS Debugger Interop

devenv process keeps running in background after I close Visual Studio 2015

Get types used inside a C# method body

c# .net visual-studio envdte

Accessing attribute info from DTE

Adding solution-level items in a NuGet package

.net powershell nuget envdte