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New posts in entity-framework-4

Entity Framework rounds at two decimal when everything is set for four decimal

Repository pattern with Entity Frameworks 4

How do I create two associated entities at one time with EF4 Code-First

Use EF4 DbContext with Domain Service

How can I extract the database table and column name for a property on an EF4 entity?

How to Sort WinForms DataGridView bound to EF EntityCollection<T>

Entity framework doesn't save data entries in database

How does Entity Framework manage mapping query result to anonymous type?

EF + ODP.NET: The specified value is not an instance of type 'Edm.Decimal'

Why does ObjectContext class not derive from some Interface?

Make sure Entity framework always reads from database?

EF Codefirst How to create separate table for derived class?

Entity Framework - Navigation Properties Generating Extra JOINs

Entity Framework CTP 5 One to One mapping

ASP.Net MVC 3 & System.Data.Entity?

Use Entity framework I want to include only first children objects and not child of child(sub of sub)

Using Entity Framework with an SQL Compact Private Installation

Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.User'.\r\nThe statement has been terminated


"Update Model from Database" does not see a type change

Linq-to-Entities Include method not found