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New posts in entity-framework-ctp5

EF CTP5 error: Invalid object name

There is no Key attribute in EF CTP 5

Inserting a decimal into sql cause inserting a zero number Instead of a decimal number near zero

Entity Framework CTP5 Code-First: Mapping a class with multiple collections of another class

Entity Framework CTP 5 One to One mapping

Problem with Eager Loading Nested Navigation Based on Abstract Entity (EF CTP5)

UnitOfWork Implementation

Entity Framework Complex Type Custom Validation, Stopping Validation Recursion

Entity Framework CTP5 Code First - Possible to do entity splitting on a non-primary key?

EntityFunctions.TruncateTime alternative when using EF CTP5 with Sql Server Compact Edition 4.0

Entity Framework CTP5 (Code First) Modeling - lookup tables

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method

How does EF4 compare with NHibernate?

How to eager load child entities using repository pattern

EF4 Independent Associations - Why avoid them?

Entity Framework 4.1 - How to "Force" EF To Go To DB Instead of Using Graph?

How to Switch Cascade delete off in a One to Many Relationship with EF CTP5 Fluent API

EntityFramework CTP5 DbContext T4 Template "virtual" keyword

Using mvc-mini-profiler database profiling with Entity Framework Code First