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New posts in entity-framework-4

Group by DateTime.Date in Linq to SQL with EF 4.1

What's required for ExecuteStoreQuery to respect relationships?

Entity Framework: Update entity or add if it doesn't exist

Entity Data Model - Adding a keyless table

Is it necessary to always Select()... new{Anon}... AsEnumerable...Select(new EntityType{}) every time?

c# linq entity-framework-4

How can you dynamically select a table with entity framework 4.x?

Specification inside LINQ with EF 4.3

Creating a custom OrderByDescending() for an IQueryable<T>

EF CodeFirst handling database exceptions while saving changes

CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master' Entity Framework Migration

Entity framework code first convert between class boolean and column integer

ModelState.isvalid returning false?

Multiple 'Or' statements in EF expression

c# entity-framework-4 odac

Teamcity build fails because of EF code migrations

Connection leak in Entity Framework

datetime2 and ProviderManifestToken in Entity Framework

Mapping child items of same class with Entity Framework Code First

EntityFramework - query execution time depends on select order?

Entity Framework with LINQ aggregate to concatenate string?

SNIReadSyncOverAsync and WaitForSingleObject blocking EF performance?

c# .net wcf entity-framework-4