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New posts in entity-framework-4


How to use Include and Anonymous Type in same query in Entity Framework?

Entity Framework EDMX Copy to Output Directory

How to get unique string from a lambda expression

Relationship change from one-many into Many to many need to update listview

EF 4.1 Code First - What pattern should I use?

add-migration does not function with remote sql server databases in shared hosting

What Determines SQL Azure Database Edition and Size with EF Code First?

Sharing Entity Framework Library across multiple projects

DbContext crashes with PrimitiveType != null error

c# entity-framework-4

EF4 Unable to cast concrete type to interface

No generic method 'OrderBy' on type 'Queryable' is compatible with the supplied type arguments

Using Entity Framework, how do I add a record to the mapping table in a Many to Many relationship

EF eqivalent for rows affected of SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery

.net entity-framework-4

Inherited C# Class Losing "Reference"

n-layer business/service layer design

Any experience using a SQL Server Linked Server to DB2 with Entity Framework?

Custom Model Validation based on two properties. One influence the other one

In EF4.1 code first, how to override ConnectionString name in Web.config

.NET Entity Framework - Using .Contains() to find a byte value in a Where expression