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New posts in entity-framework-4.1

EF (Entity Framework) 4.3 Migration tool does not work on EF 4.1 DB

Entity Framework 4.1Code First connecting to Sql Server 2005

Entity Framework Code-First - Defining relationships with MembershipUser

How can I detect a [NotMapped] annotation from PropertyInfo or MetaData?

Windows Azure with Multiple Sites in One Role not transforming 2nd web.debug.config to web.config

How to observe the Add action of DbSet<T>?

Entity Framework code first with T4 template

Why does my EF4.1 relationship not get set to null upon assignment of a null value?

Entity Framework Code First Configure Schema Per Entity

List of Integers in Entity Framework

The table/view does not have a primary key defined

How to prevent EF from validating properties that are not mapped during DBContext.SaveChanges()

EF4.1 POCO: Why should I use ICollection

c# entity-framework-4.1

LINQ to Entities ToString() - None of the proposed solutions work?

Is it possible to create a generic Repository class for all my objects?

Entity Framework include Where

SQL Server Sequential Guid as a key when using Entity Framework Code First

Referencing schema names for tables in the Entity Framework

Mapping association tables in EF 4.1 code first

entity framework code first - Union of the two fields into one collection