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New posts in eigen3

OpenMP reduction with Eigen::VectorXd

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Use BLAS and LAPACK from Eigen

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Different behaviours when initializing differently

c++ eigen eigen3

How much faster is Eigen for small fixed size matrices?

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Removing zero rows from a Matrix (elegant way)

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Expression templates in Eigen

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bool multiplication with exclusive-or, not or (with Eigen Matrix Library)

cannot convert from 'const Eigen::GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,ProductType>' to 'double'

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How to write/read an Eigen matrix from binary file

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Exponential Averaging using Eigen

eigen eigen3

"unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor: No such file or directory" while working with TensorFlow

Eigen and huge dense 2D arrays

Why are "const Eigen::Matrix<>&" and "const Ref<Eigen::Matrix<> >" apparently incompatible?

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Rotation and Transformation of a plane to XY plane and origin in PointCloud

CMake find_package not working for Eigen?

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How to fix 'non-type template argument is not a constant expression' in eigen3?

c++ c++11 eigen3

Issue casting C++ Eigen::Matrix types via templates

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Why does std::less<Eigen::VectorXd> fail to compile?

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Column wise initialization and calculation of standard deviation in eigen library

c++ matlab eigen3