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New posts in eigen3

how to change 2D Eigen::Tensor to Eigen::Matrix

tensorflow eigen3

Eigen matrix library filling a matrix with random float values in a given range

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Is Eigen slow at multiplying small matrices?

c++ eigen3

Ambiguous recursive template function

c++ c++11 templates eigen eigen3

Using Eigen 3.3 in a CUDA kernel

c++ c++11 cuda eigen3

How can I calculate inverse of sparse matrix in Eigen library

conservativeResize() with zero values for the new values

c++ eigen3

Eigen and C++11 type inference fails for Cholesky of matrix product

c++ c++11 auto eigen eigen3

Checking if all entries in the matrix are zero in Eigen Library

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Eigen alignment issues

Eigen3: coefficient-wise multiplication in place

optimization eigen eigen3

Eigen - Check if matrix is Positive (Semi-)Definite

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Using Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> as function argument of type Eigen::MatrixXd

c++ numpy eigen3

Error while compiling eigen program: error: 'seq' is not a member of 'Eigen'

c++ eigen3

How to efficiently extract real/imaginary parts of complex matrix in Eigen3 library?

c++ matlab eigen3

Unable to find Eigen3 with CMake

c++ cmake eigen3

How to extract a subvector (of an Eigen::Vector) from a vector of indices in Eigen?

c++ eigen eigen3

Why are initializer lists not available when changing the allocator of std::vector?

How to get the number of rows and columns of an Eigen::MatrixXd?

c++ eigen3