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Is there a good in-browser code editor? [closed]

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How to make XML files always open in the text editor rather than the XML editor?

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Text Editor For Linux (Besides Vi)? [closed]

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Any WYSIWYG rich text editor that doesn't use HTML (contenteditable or designMode), a la (the new) Google Docs? [closed]

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Intellij Code Completion for all setter/getter methods of local variable object

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By Emacs, how to join two lines into one?

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Maximize code tab in eclipse shortcut

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Clojure editor/IDE recommendations on Mac OS X [closed]

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How to launch an EDITOR (e. g. vim) from a python script?

How to search and replace 2 lines (together) in Eclipse?

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Vertical Line in Android Studio

Undo all changes since opening buffer in vim

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git rebase --editor=/something/other/than/vim? (for easier squashing)

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Is there a way to make whitespace visible in the Xcode editor?

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Is it worth investing time in learning to use Emacs?

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Opening files in Vim using Fuzzy Search

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Customising word separators in vi

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Set TextMate as the default text editor on Mac OS X

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Find and replace whole words in vim

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