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JAXB Compiling Issue - [ERROR] Property "Any" is already defined

jaxb eclipselink moxy

Use QueryHint when using JpaSpecificationExecutor

javax.validation.ValidationException: HV000041: Call to TraversableResolver.isReachable() threw an exception

java jpa eclipselink

An alternative to Hibernate or TopLink? [closed]

Getting old data with JPA

java jpa eclipselink

How to use MySQL's full text search from JPA

NamedQueries problem with Hibernate

Why EclipseLink is adding discriminator column for joined inheritance strategy?

jpa eclipselink

EclipseLink MOXy @XmlPath support for axes/parent

xpath jaxb eclipselink moxy

GAE + JPA :java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class EMF

How does one construct multi-column "WHERE ... IN" expressions using JPA's criteria API?

EclipseLink & Spring Config without Persistence.xml

java spring jpa eclipselink

EclipseLink throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to weave a class

How to statically weave JPA entities using EclipseLink when there is no persistence.xml as the entities are managed by Spring

Date literals in Hibernate

How to Create a Region in eclipse like Visual Studio

Rename "type" from JSON moxy output

Spring @Transactional commit failures ; Deby + Eclipselink

Cannot get EclipseLink MOXy to work

xml jaxb eclipselink moxy

EclipseLink and log4j: how to use both

java log4j eclipselink