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New posts in eager-loading

Ruby on Rails: :include on a polymorphic association with submodels

Rails 4 eager load for an object

Can I have SQLAlchemy do subquery eager loading without repeating the full original query?

Dagger 2 - how to create/provide a EagerSingleton

Laravel 4.1 Eager Loading Nested Relationships with Constraints

Eager loading with route model binding

Laravel eager loading with limit

Using Include() with inherited entities

Laravel Eloquent nested relations returns data only on the first element

Entity Framework - Eager loading related entities

How select referenced entity in nhibernate queryover

Eager loading with parameters - laravel

What is the equivalent of @ManagedBean(eager=true) in CDI

Laravel: Where selection for Eloquent Eager Loading relationship

NHibernate: How to perform eager subselect fetching of many children & grandchildren (object graph) in a single round-trip to the database?

How do you do eager loading with limits?

Django eager loading in many to many

eager loading not working with order() clause in rails

Entity Framework 4.1 default eager loading