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Can I have SQLAlchemy do subquery eager loading without repeating the full original query?

Suppose we have original generated query like that:

SELECT company.x AS company_x, ...
FROM company
LEFT OUTER JOIN acc ON acc.id = company.acc
LEFT OUTER JOIN usercomp_links ON company.id = usercomp_links.pid
LEFT OUTER JOIN usergro_links ON acc.id = usergro_links.pid
WHERE usergro_links.eid = %s OR usercomp_links.eid = %s

And if we add .options(subqueryload(Company.childs)) to this, we will get:

SELECT company.x AS company_x, ..., anon_1.company_id AS anon_1_company_id
    SELECT company.id AS company_id
    FROM company
    LEFT OUTER JOIN acc ON acc.id = company.acc
    LEFT OUTER JOIN usercomp_links ON company.id = usercomp_links.pid
    LEFT OUTER JOIN usergro_links ON acc.id = usergro_links.pid
    WHERE usergro_links.eid = %s OR usercomp_links.eid = %s) AS anon_1
INNER JOIN acel_links AS acel_links_1 ON anon_1.company_id = acel_links_1.eid
INNER JOIN company ON company.id = acel_links_1.pid ORDER BY anon_1.company_id

And this is sloooow. If I will get company ids from first query, and load all child companies by hands, it will be blazingly fast in compare to what we get in this case.

I have read documentation, looked at the code, but dont see if I can tell sqlalchemy just get ids from results of first query and load childs in separate, comparatively simple query. I dont rely on this sample - I had more more harder situations, when sqlalchemy just cant load constructed query. And why to do all this work from first query one more time?

So anyone know how to eager load without auto constructed "join from join in join" style?

like image 527
Mihail Krivushin Avatar asked Nov 02 '14 20:11

Mihail Krivushin

People also ask

What is SQLAlchemy lazy loading?

Lazy loading refers to objects are returned from a query without the related objects loaded at first. When the given collection or reference is first accessed on a particular object, an additional SELECT statement is emitted such that the requested collection is loaded.

Is SQLAlchemy deprecated?

Deprecated since version 2.0: The features of “connectionless” and “implicit” execution in SQLAlchemy are deprecated and will be removed in version 2.0. See “Implicit” and “Connectionless” execution, “bound metadata” removed for background.

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Execution Slowness this would indicate that the database is taking a long time to start returning results, and it means your query should be optimized, either by adding indexes or restructuring the query and/or underlying schema.

How does the querying work with SQLAlchemy?

Python Flask and SQLAlchemy ORM All SELECT statements generated by SQLAlchemy ORM are constructed by Query object. It provides a generative interface, hence successive calls return a new Query object, a copy of the former with additional criteria and options associated with it.

2 Answers

Update: the "select in" strategy is now implemented in SQLAlchemy (since v 1.2): see Select IN loading in the documentation.


I think the joinedload strategy should be used where possible, as it is more efficient than other strategies, including the suggested in the question strategy to load related data using the "IN" statement.

The "IN" strategy can be easily enough implemented "outside" of the SQLAlchemy (see the code below) and probably it should not be complex to implement it as a new loading strategy (as logically it is similar to existing subqueryload strategy).

Full version:

I started with a simple experiment to see the queries produced by different strategies

The full source code of the experiment is on Github.

My models look this way:

class Author(ModelBase):
    __tablename__ = 'authors'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    name = Column(String(255))

class Book(ModelBase):
    __tablename__ = 'books'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    author_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('authors.id'))
    author = relationship(
        'Author', backref=backref('books'))

Now, the tests, first is lazy loading:

books = session.query(Book).all()
print books[0].author.name

Output (cleaned up):

  books.id AS books_id, books.name AS books_name, books.author_id AS books_author_id
FROM books

  authors.id AS authors_id, authors.name AS authors_name
FROM authors
WHERE authors.id = ?

As expected, lazy loading runs one query to fetch books and one query each time we access an author.

Subquery loading:

books = session.query(Book).options(subqueryload(Book.author)).all()
print books[0].author.name

  books.id AS books_id, books.name AS books_name, books.author_id AS books_author_id
FROM books

  authors.id AS authors_id, authors.name AS authors_name,
  anon_1.books_author_id AS anon_1_books_author_id
  SELECT DISTINCT books.author_id AS books_author_id
  FROM books) AS anon_1
JOIN authors
  ON authors.id = anon_1.books_author_id
ORDER BY anon_1.books_author_id

For the subquery, we have two queries, first fetches books and another fetches authors using the subquery.

Joined loading:

books = session.query(Book).options(joinedload(Book.author)).all()
print books[0].author.name

  books.id AS books_id, books.name AS books_name,
  books.author_id AS books_author_id,
  authors_1.id AS authors_1_id, authors_1.name AS authors_1_name
FROM books
LEFT OUTER JOIN authors AS authors_1 ON authors_1.id = books.author_id

The joined strategy runs just one query to fetch both books and authors.

Immediate loading:

books = session.query(Book).options(immediateload(Book.author)).all()
print books[0].author.name

   books.id AS books_id, books.name AS books_name, books.author_id AS books_author_id
FROM books

  authors.id AS authors_id, authors.name AS authors_name
FROM authors
WHERE authors.id = ?

SELECT authors.id AS authors_id, authors.name AS authors_name
FROM authors
WHERE authors.id = ?


And the immediate strategy loads books with the first query and then, when we try to access the relation, fetches all the related data with separate query for each related record.

It looks that "joinedload()" should be most efficient in most cases (amd more efficient than "IN" strategy) - we just get all the data with single query.

Now, lets try to implement the IN strategy outside of SQL alchemy:

print '-------------IN----------------'
books = session.query(Book).all()
ids = set()
for b in books:
authors = session.query(Author).filter(Author.id.in_(ids)).all()
print books[0].author.name
print books[1].author.name
print books[2].author.name
print books[3].author.name


  books.id AS books_id, books.name AS books_name, books.author_id AS books_author_id
FROM books

SELECT authors.id AS authors_id, authors.name AS authors_name
FROM authors
WHERE authors.id IN (?, ?)
INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:(1, 2)


As we can see, it runs two queries and then we can access all the authors.

Note that we don't join authors to books explicitly, but it still works when we try to access authors through the books, since SQLAlchemy finds author records in the internal identity map and doesn't run additional DB queries.

The "IN" strategy code similar to above can be generalized into the function which can be used with any model / relation. And probably, the "IN" strategy should be relatively easy to implement as a new SQLAlchemy strategy, it is similar to the existing subqueryloading - it also should run the second query to get the related data.

like image 149
Boris Serebrov Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Boris Serebrov


It was added to sqlalchemy, so now you can just use selectinload strategy.

like image 38
Mihail Krivushin Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Mihail Krivushin