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Dagger 2 - how to create/provide a EagerSingleton

I am having trouble with the Dagger 2 dependency injection framework. I would like to create an EagerSingleton. I assume that dagger 2 creates lazy loaded singletons when I use the @Singleton annotation. How do I create EagerSingleton using the Dagger 2 framework ?

like image 801
j2emanue Avatar asked Jun 28 '15 14:06


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Dagger automatically generates code that mimics the code you would otherwise have hand-written. Because the code is generated at compile time, it's traceable and more performant than other reflection-based solutions such as Guice. Note: Use Hilt for dependency injection on Android.

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What is Dagger 2?

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at Dagger 2 – a fast and lightweight dependency injection framework. The framework is available for both Java and Android, but the high-performance derived from compile-time injection makes it a leading solution for the latter.

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You can use the @Singleton annotation to indicate that there should be only one instance of the object. This is the most basic example of using Dagger 2 without component dependencies, subcomponents, complex modules, or custom scopes. The main Dagger 2 features used are:

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1 Answers

It can be solved by using dagger multibindings. First, you need to create the interface:

public interface EagerInit {    
    void eagerInit();

In the EagerModule you bind EagerInit implementations to set, so you can access it in the EagerComponent:

public abstract class EagerModule {

    abstract EagerInit eagerInitImpl1(EagerInitImpl1 eagerInitImpl1);

    abstract EagerInit eagerInitImpl2(EagerInitImpl2 eagerInitImpl2);


@Component(modules = {EagerModule.class})
public interface EagerComponent {

    Set<EagerInit> getEagerInits();


After creating the EagerComponent you simply call:

like image 145
sylwano Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10
