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New posts in eager-loading

Explicit loading of multiple references/collections on entity

laravel 5.1 getting related 5 news of each category in many-to-many relation

SQLAlchemy eager loading recursive model

Include not working with Entity Framework query

Eager-load for custom joins in ActiveRecord

Eager loading with has_many through

How do I force active record (Ruby) eager loading at the model level?

How to eager load a collection in ebean?

Querying Relationship Existence using multiple MySQL database connections in Laravel 5.2

EF4 and undesired loading of related collection with AddObject

"TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String" when eager loading results

LINQ to SQL eager loading with conditions

Eager Fetching with nhibernate Criteria API

c# nhibernate eager-loading

laravel - eloquent - get sum of related model specific column

laravel eloquent - Use without on nested eager loaded relations

Rails add custom eager load

Serialize Entity Framework object with children to XML file

Spring data findAll() does not fetch eagerly

Are Clojure transducers eager?

virtual keyword, Include extension method, lazy loading, eager loading - how does loading related objects actually work