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New posts in dynamic-memory-allocation

dynamic allocating array of arrays in C

Why can't the runtime environment decide to apply delete or delete[] instead of the programmer?

Understand the behavior of the new-handler

c++ what is "pointer = new type" as opposed to "pointer = new type []"?

why is there no aligned calloc in C11

new operator for memory allocation on heap

How to Dynamically Allocate Memory Using Assembly and System Calls Under Linux

Why, or when, do you need to dynamically allocate memory in C?

Pimpl idiom without using dynamic memory allocation

Why does my program crash when I increment a pointer and then delete it?

Does malloc reserve more space while allocating memory?

Why use _mm_malloc? (as opposed to _aligned_malloc, alligned_alloc, or posix_memalign)

Efficient linked list in C++?

Is a destructor called when an object goes out of scope?

Are new and delete still useful in C++14?

Are 'new' and 'delete' getting deprecated in C++?

What is the recommended way to align memory in C++11

When and why to use malloc?

Difference between static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation

What and where are the stack and heap?