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New posts in doctest

How to use doctest with a decorated function in python?

Doctests fail with UnicodeDecodeError on C-extension and Python3

How to let pytest discover and run doctests in installed modules?

CMake: prevent building test executable target in subdirectory library project

Examples of using Doctests in Django in an Agile / BDD way

python django agile doctest

Python: accept unicode strings as regular strings in doctests

Python-like doctesting in Java? [closed]

django doctests not being run

python doctest exception test handling

python doctest

How to work with nulls in docutils

python doctest

Doctest NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE does not work

python doctest

How to write Python doctest that is OS independent regarding path separator

python-2.6 doctest

use doctest and logging in python program

python logging doctest

python doctest default namespace

python nose doctest

How do you test a function using which retrieves data by urllib2?

Run all my doctests for all python modules in a folder without seeing failures because of bad imports

python testing doctest

object reuse in python doctest

python unit-testing doctest

Why does nose finds tests in files with only 644 permission?

Doctest for nested docstring

python doctest docstring

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'testmod' Python doctest