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New posts in dllimport

How to make Taskbar Flash on Lost Focus

Unable to load DLL in C#

c# dll dllimport

DllImport doesn't work as advertised in Mono (Linux, C#)

using C function in C#

c# c dll unmanaged dllimport

When using pinvoke, what is the base path for a dll when only the dll name is provided?

c# pinvoke dllimport

On Screen Keyboard close button event?

Calling c dll in C#

c# c++ c dllimport dllexport

ADODB.Parameters error '800a0e7c' Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsistent or incomplete information was provided

How to deploy 64-bit version of DLL on Azure, but use the 32-bit version on dev boxes

azure 64-bit dllimport 32-bit

calling C++ functions containing callbacks in C#

c# c++ api callback dllimport

Calling an unmanaged library function that takes a reference to a pointer

How to dllimport in Microsoft Visual C++

What happens when I DllImport a function that is not available on the runtime platform?

Trying to create a Math Input Panel in C#

c# c++ dll windows-7 dllimport

Which DLL is [DllImport] loading?

.net usb dllimport

Difference between MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr) and Marshal.PtrToStringUni()

KERNELBASE.dll error running c# app on Windows Server 2008 R2?

How can I import dll of a C++ class inside a namespace