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New posts in distributed

Small footprint clock synchronization without NTP

Distributed Storage of BLOBs for .NET?

What are the pros and cons of PyRo and RPyC python libs?

python distributed pyro rpyc

Hazelcast (Java) and ETCD (golang) differences/similarities?

What is the state of distributed bug tracking? [closed]

How to determine distributed architecture?

Best Practice for synchronizing common distributed data

Three phase commit

keeping a wcf callback channel open indefinitely / reconnecting from client if it faults

Actor-based distributed concurrency libraries for Ocaml and other languages [closed]

What are the differences between Tibco EMS and Rendezvous

how to rapidly increment counters in Cassandra w/o staleness

How to design and verify distributed systems?

Distributed Java Compiler

Job queue with job affinity

What's the difference between ZooKeeper and any distributed Key-Value stores?

Distributing Haskell on a cluster

Distributed issue tracker for git with usable Eclipse Mylyn support?

GUI recommandations for eventual consistency?

What are the faster Paxos-related algorithms for consensus in distributed systems?