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DDD - CreatedBy/CreatedOn in the Domain Model?

How to avoid large if statements?

How does Core Data fit into MVC model objects?

Return an iterator

Is this a modular js design pattern? And how do I reuse a value across different modules in this model?

Should safe pointers be used in strategy pattern?

Drawbacks of Hexagonal Architecture

Alternative for instanceOf (State Pattern)

Type constraints become huge and unreadable for simple code

Some situations or cases to use Adapter pattern [closed]

c# design-patterns

Singleton instantiation creating multiple objects

what is the need of private constructor in singleton design pattern?

Does Java implemented Flyweight design pattern with Strings? [duplicate]

Java: Why use with methods instead of constructor?

java design-patterns

Python Design Pattern: using class attributes to store data vs. local function variables

python design-patterns

How do you design a web application that needs to be customized for each new client?

What are some of the best-written open-source projects you have seen? [closed]

What makes MVVM uniquely suited to WPF?

.net wpf design-patterns mvvm

What performance overhead do IoC containers involve?

Sample Java EE projects using Java EE design patterns