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New posts in design-patterns

Template method pattern with implementation specific parameter type

Pattern to initialize base class in derived class constructor (or factory)

difference between facade and business delegate pattern

Pattern for storing multiple types of struct in a C++ std::<vector> container

c++ design-patterns

What is the best way to refactor code with many if and duplicated logic for extracting a value from different Controls classes

What Design Patterns are present in the .NET Entity Framework? [closed]

php oop MVC design - proper architecture for an application to edit data

Which design pattern is used to give a class extra properties?

c# winforms design-patterns

Inversion of control and Dependency Injection

Database design with dynamic fields: single table vs many tables - many indexes

Two instances of a singleton needed

Could visitor pattern contain some states?

Observer? design pattern

Singleton thread safe in C# - why to add the double check?

Validation in setters: What approach is better?

Chain of Responsibility [GoF] disadvantages

Printing the patterns using only one loop

Publish-Subscribe in spring? [closed]

Pros and Cons of usage of reference in case of PIMPL idiom

c++ design-patterns

Applying clean code and SOLID principle take me so much time: normal? [closed]